Nourish to Flourish: First Session – Prioritizing Soul-Care As An Entrepreneur

Event Details
Date: August 13, 2022
Start Time: 9:00 am EDT
End Time: 11:00 am EDT
Location: Nourish to Flourish
4926 Wisconsin Ave NW #2nd
United States
You consistently show up for your business and clients, but when was the last time you showed up for yourself? How can we begin to cultivate more mind and body awareness so we live with more joy? In this interactive session, we will be engaging in yoga and conversations about the stressors we experience in our lives, led by Dominiece Clifton, Founder of Move and Still.
During session 1, we will explore how stress impacts us on a physical and mental level and how we can begin to cultivate more mind & body awareness to reduce stress and manage business more efficiently.
About the Facilitator
Dominiece is the founder of Move And Still LLC. Move And Still was founded to equip the world with stress management and trauma recovery strategies using practices grounded in movement and stillness. Our ultimate intention is to guide those we serve to release, reconnect, and remember in order to cultivate soul awareness. Whew! That’s the work.
Dominiece is a graduate of Howard University. She is also a registered 200 hour yoga instructor. She brings over ten years of professional experience to her roles as the Founder/CEO of Move and Still. To learn more about her work and the organization’s mission, visit www.movexstill.com.