Motown DC and Gen Z

Event Details
Date: July 06, 2024
Start Time: 2:00 pm EDT
End Time: 4:00 pm EDT
Location: Anacostia Arts Center
1231 Marion Barry Avenue SouthEast
United States
The African American Music Association (AAMA) in partnership with the Anacostia Arts Center in Washington, DC is honored to present “Motown DC” a gallery exhibition featuring a display of photographs and memorabilia collections of legendary Motown artists by curator Beverly Lindsay-Johnson and co-curator Nikki Graves Henderson.
A significant portion of the display entitled “DC and Motown” will recognize musicians originating from Washington, DC who were also part of the Motown sound. They include the original Dynamic Superiors, The Young Senators band (the recording and touring band for Eddie Kenricks during his solo career), Glenn Leonard of The Temptations (1975-1983), Joe Herndon of The Temptations (2003-2015), Stacy Lattisaw, Johnny Gil, and of course, Marvin Gaye.
Join us for a guided tour created for visitors under 40!