
Japanese American Women in Business: Reiko Hirai & Tomomi Miyajima

May 27, 2022
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In this Women of Fire Fireside chat, Reiko Hirai and Tomomi Miyajima discuss the ups and downs of running businesses in the Greater Capital Region.

Addressing yesterday’s inequities today: Strategies to support women entrepreneurs of color | Washington Business Journal

March 10, 2022
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On International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2022, Program Director Messay Derebe’s article was featured in the Washington Business Journal.

Black Women in Philanthropy | ABC 7 News

March 8, 2022
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Program Director Messey Derebe made a special appearance on Monday, February 28th, 2022 with Andrianna Hopkins on ABC 7 News to talk about our special Women of Fire: Fireside Chat…